
Da Bird Guinea with Long One- Piece Rod

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  • Description

This aerodynamically designed toy mimics the motion of a real bird in flight.

NO CAT CAN RESIST IT! This is the only toy that Pampered Cats Playground confidently recommends, as virtually every cat that has one, loves it.

It's recommended by veterinarians as a great way for your cat to exercise. Many Australian cat owners have told us that their cats have become obsessed with the Da Bird feather cat toy. This toy is handmade in the USA.

Some customers prefer the One Piece Rod as it doesn't come apart when playing, but others prefer the Pull-Apart rod as they are easier to store.

Rod is approximately 92cm in length. Rod is in one piece. Attachment is a Guinea Refill.

Price quoted is for 1 Da Bird with Guinea Refill with Long One-Piece Rod.

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